April was filled with a mixture of celebration, inspiration, loss and finally hope.
It began with tour around the gardens at Highgrove which was a surprise birthday treat for my mother and even though the weather that day was filled with heavy showers and glorious sunshine, the moment our tour came the heavens opened, the temperature dropped and we huddled under the umbrella. Even so, it was hugely inspiring, the carpet of narcissi danced in the rain and the bronze sculptures came alive with droplets of tears streaming down their tactile surfaces.
The following day couldn’t have been more of a contrast, our dear afghan hound, Lorcah was diagnosed with cancer and unfortunately he suffered a minor heart attached under anesthetic, which resulted him loosing the full use of his back legs. The cancer we could deal with but not the instant loss of his legs. A heartbreaking few weeks then ensued.
Thank goodness for the sanctuary of the bluebell woods. They have been breathtaking this year and a place to really loose oneself. This set of images were taken on my way home late one evening, Lady Grey (my little whippet) had been my patient assistant all day, so a stretch through the woods was well deserved. The sunshine was blissful, the woods were empty and the birds were singing happily in the treetops so we took the opportunity to enjoy nature at her most precious and lost ourselves amongst the beauty all around.